
Tumble Driers

A large load capacity in a compact frame – the commercial drier is the perfect complement to front and top load washers. Powerful 5.35Kw heating elements mean significantly reduced drying times to aid speed of production. Front serviceable, Easy-to-clean large lint compartment and the largest door opening in the industry at 1913.8 sq. cm, make the work of operators and technicians easy. A reversible door accommodates your specific laundry design.

In keeping with Speed Queen’s philosophy ‘Our Strength Comes From Within’ a double galvanised steel cylinder with 198 litres of volume handles large loads and promotes faster drying. Extended Tumble helps eliminate wrinkling by tumbling for two minutes at 20 minute intervals if the door isn’t opened. A quiet and efficient blower system provides superior airflow of 6229.7 litres per minute for quick drying results and low operating costs.


A large load capacity in a compact frame – the commercial drier is the perfect complement to front and top load washers. Powerful 5.35Kw heating elements mean significantly reduced drying times to aid speed of production. Front serviceable, Easy-to-clean large lint compartment and the largest door opening in the industry at 1913.8 sq. cm, make the work of operators and technicians easy. A reversible door accommodates your specific laundry design.

In keeping with Speed Queen’s philosophy ‘Our Strength Comes From Within’ a double galvanised steel cylinder with 198 litres of volume handles large loads and promotes faster drying. Extended Tumble helps eliminate wrinkling by tumbling for two minutes at 20 minute intervals if the door isn’t opened. A quiet and efficient blower system provides superior airflow of 6229.7 litres per minute for quick drying results and low operating costs.

Single Driers

Tullis brings a new range of professional laundry products specially designed for small establishments (hairdressers, gyms, camp sites, etc.) but that offer performance equal to that of heavier industrial laundry machines.

Powerful commercial Speed Queen® driers will ensure your drying times don’t lag those of your washers. Featuring customizable drying cycles, sophisticated airflow patterns, and advanced moisture sensing to deliver consistently superior results and efficiency.

Available in timer operated and coin operated versions as well as mobile cashless payments.

Stacked Tumble Driers

Twice the drying capacity in the compact floor space of a single drier. If you have limited floor space available or prefer to operate in a smaller environment with lower rental costs, then double up on the most efficient tumble drier in the industry.

With all of the same attributes as the Speed Queen stand alone tumble drier – no compromise in efficiency or reliability.

Tullis double drum dryers are compact machines ideal for laundries with little available space and, while they have been designed with the self-service sector in mind, they are also available for hotels, small laundries, etc.